You operate a business and you want to stop wasting valuable Marketing dollars. Call the Christensen Media Group. Since 2000, we’ve been helping our clients to find and eliminate those wasted Marketing dollars. From powerful Media Buys, to brilliantly designed Digital Marketing Plans…we can help.

At the Christensen Media Group, our areas of strength are: Media Buying, Digital Marketing (SEO, SEM, Digital Ad Retargeting), Social Media, and Branding.

Contact our CEO, Chris Christensen, and learn how to take your company to the next level.


The Christensen Media Group has…

  • Been recognized as, “One of the best Ad Agencies & Graphic Design Firms in central Oklahoma” (OKC Business-Best of Business, 2008)
  • Become a local leader in the realm of Digital Marketing
  • Been training Media Buyers at various companies for years
  • Focused on powerful Media Buying since 2000
  • Successfully represented clients in nearly 40 cities all over the United States
  • A CEO who cares enough to personally research, design, negotiate, and implement all client Media Buys…utilizing his nearly 35 years of personal Marketing experience



Primary Telephone: (405) 627-3633  

Mailing Address:

Christensen Media Group
P.O. Box 6368
Edmond, Oklahoma 73083